“Look to this breath only.”

Jin Shin Jyutsu - Energetischer Selbsthilfekurs für Dich und Deine Tiergefährten (with Madlen Spitz)

Sunday, 20. April 2025 - Monday, 21. April 2025
5771 Leogang, necessary prerequisites: Keine.

Times: Sonntag, von 9.30 bis 17.00 Uhr und Montag, von 9.00 bis 15.00 Uhr
Cost: 290.- Wiederholer 190.-

Personal informations

Class data

I already took these Self-Help classes

I have experience with

Confirmation mail:
You will receive a confirmation E-Mail within the next minutes, that confirms your registration and sums up your given data. If the E-Mail does not arrive, please contact the organisers of the given course.