“Simplify, glorify the Source.”

MUDRA TRINITY (with Elli Jürschik * Heike Hoerdemann * Vicki Landes)

Thursday, 03. October 2024 - Friday, 04. October 2030
Online Online, necessary prerequisites: Selfhelp Classes I, II, III nicht to have but no Must

Times: 19:00 - 20:00
Cost: ---

This group is a gift to the JSJ community and interested friends - we would like to offer it to add to inner alignement, peace, goodwill and joy in humankind.
We will be praciticing the 8 mudras of Mary Burmeister every Thursday 7:00 - 8:00pm CET.

Live Sessions on Zoom starting 2025:
1st Thursday of the month: ENGLISH .....Vicki Landes
2nd Thursday of the month: GERMAN .......... Elli Jürschik
3rd Thursday of the month: ITALIAN......... Heike Hördemann

4th/5th Thursday of the month: Hands on by yourself or with recorded instruction

Join our WhatsApp groups:
Each Thursday there will be a short inspiration for the day, information and exchange.

Register via
German speaking Community 0043 650 86 00 687 (Elli Jürschik)
English speaking Community 0043 664 51 07 454 (Vicki Landes)
Italian speaking Community 0039 335 180 2679
(Heike Hoerdemann)

The instructions to the mudras can be found on our youtube channel from the 10th October 2024: