“There is only one order in the order of the universe.”

Jin Shin Jyutsu Selbsthilfekurs Buch 1 "Mich selbst kennen lernen, mir selbst helfen lernen" (with Maria Buchmayer)

Saturday, 05. October 2024 - Saturday, 02. November 2024
2051 Bildungscampus Zellerndorf, Zellerndorf 269, necessary prerequisites: None.

Times: Samstag 5. u. 12. 10. 2024 von 14 bis 18 Uhr und Samstag der 2. 11.2024 von 8 bis 12 Uhr
Cost: 180,00 € inklusive Kursunterlagen, Wiederholer: 150,00 €

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Class data

I already took these Self-Help classes

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You will receive a confirmation E-Mail within the next minutes, that confirms your registration and sums up your given data. If the E-Mail does not arrive, please contact the organisers of the given course.