“The breath we receive is the only reality.”

Entwickle Deine Fähigkeiten, Fertigkeiten und Kompetenzen als Jin Shin Jyutsu PraktikerIn (with Jed Schwartz (Englisch mit deutscher Übersetzung))

Friday, 25. July 2025 - Sunday, 27. July 2025
5020 Salzburg, necessary prerequisites: Mindestens ein 5-Tage-Kurs.

Times: Freitag und Samstag: 9:00 bis 17:00 Sonntag bis 16:00
Cost: 570

Personal informations

Class data

Cancelation terms

5-Day-Classes are only booked once you have deposited 200,- €.

Special Topic Classe and LTA-Classes are only booked once you have deposited 150,- €.

Now-Know-Myself Classes are only booked once you have deposited 200,- €.

The deposit is due 30 days befor class starts. If you cancel within 30 days of the 1st day of class, the whole deposit will be kept.


Deposit: 400 Euro (or equivalent in other currency).
The total class fee has to be paid 60 days befor class starts. No refunds are given for cancellations within 60 days of 1st day of class, unless there is a substitute participant available.

If an instructor has to cancel, only the deposit / class fee will be refunded. Further expenses (hotel, travel costs) will not be covered.

Confirmation mail:
You will receive a confirmation E-Mail within the next minutes, that confirms your registration and sums up your given data. If the E-Mail does not arrive, please contact the organisers of the given course.